李发海:Technology & Human Progress
2016-01-20 48931

Certainly, our humanity has progress on technology but when we focus on technology all day long, what we get from it? Selfish and conceit.

   With the developing of technology, we begin to know or already known something about the space, the earth and the nature. Thus we, humanity, think we are brilliant and powerful than any creatures and everything should all be controlled by us. We think we are the winner of the fight which was between the nature and our humanity and we can improve the living condition but the fact is we do not have the ability to really change the nature, most of time we push ourselves to a poor living condition. The Aswan dam is a good example to show us this fact, people thought the dam can have many benefits to the people and agriculture but at last we had to face those bad consequences. During the developing of technology, our humanity also create something, nevertheless, most of them make us become more and more weak and make our condition become more and more bad. As the car, though it is convenient, it not only polluted the condition but also waste the energy. And then people began fighting for sources---- the war broke out. The poor people in those areas became homeless, huger and they even did not know if they could alive tomorrow. We can not deny that the weapons used in the war are also a kind of technology, so the technology causes this and the only victim is ourselves.

Is the technology the only part of our society? Is the technology the only aim we can seek for?

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