李发海:The life security of disprivileged people in China
2016-01-20 48060

In China, there are over 130 million migrant workers who constitute the main industrial workforce. They take on the heaviest, dirtiest and the most dangerous work, such as construction and mining. There are always accidents in those kinds of work that they densely engaged in, and these make their lives to be exposed to serious security threat.

The problem is due to many factors. For one thing, the profit motive of some entrepreneurs is too strong. In pursuit of maximized gain, some wicked ones provide inferior equipment. And these machines, being overloaded at all times, never have been checked or repaired. What is more, the migrant workers are forced to produce more, although they feel exhausted by the endless assignments. Such conduct is one root cause of the accidents that will be safety hazards to the migrant workers.

       Originally, the enterprises should not have continued to work without meeting the safety standards of facilities, but it is the other way around, mainly because some government officials connive at it. And this kind of connivance has already produced many tragedies. An explosion in lulling coalmine in the Anhui province left 86miners dead. It is said that the luling coalmine had exploded just the previous year, and a series of reform had been proposed. If the relevant department supervised the mine owner improving the working condition in advance, the death of those 86 miners could have avoided.

       The above mentioned factors show that the migrant workers suffer a lot from the dangerous surroundings. As for the workers themselves, the lack of safety awareness will also impair their lives. They are a group people who are not well educated, so sometimes they may lack the consciousness of self-protection and the knowledge of safety precaution. When an accident happens, some of them try to rescue their fellows. However, because of the improper measures they have taken, what they do is to increase the number of casualties. This kind of accident repeatedly occurs, and it proves that the safety awareness cannot be overlooked.

       Migrant workers are an important part of the society and contribute a lot. It stands to reason that it is urgent to solve their safety problems and protect their lives and vital interests.

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