企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第二十七章
2016-01-20 5458

第二十七章  悟道为人


Universal Intelligence

A good traveller leaves no tracks, and A good speaker has no flaws.A skillful accountant needs no counting-devices.

A good door is well shut without bolts and cannot be opened. A good knot is tied without rope and cannot be loosed.

A good closer needs no bars or bolts, And yet it is impossible to open. A good fastener needs no cords or knots, And yet it is impossible to untie.


Hence, the Sage is always good at saving men, And therefore nobody is abandoned; Always good at saving things, And therefore nothing is wasted. This is called "following the guidance of the universal intelligence."

Therefore the good man is the teacher of the bad, And the bad is the lesson of the good.


If you fail to honor your teacher or fail to enjoy your student, you will become deluded no matter how smart you are. Such is the essential mystery.



不珍视行善的师资, 不爱护可以借鉴的源泉,虽自以为聪明,实际上是糊涂透顶。这种根本的感悟才是修德的精妙要领。

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