企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第四十一章
2016-01-20 5025

第四十一章  道隐无名

上士闻道,勤而行之;中士闻道,若存若亡;下士闻道,大笑之。不笑不足以为道。故建言有之:明道若昧, 进道若退, 夷道若颣, 上德若谷, 大白若辱, 广德若不足,建德若偷, 质真若渝, 大方无隅,大器晚成, 大音希声, 大象无形, 道隐无名。夫唯道,善贷且成。


The Nameless and the Formless

When a superior person hears of the Tao, She diligently puts it intopractice. When an average person hears of the Tao, he believes half of it, anddoubts the other half.

Whenthe foolish hear of the Way, they laugh out loud. If it were not laughed at, itwould not be the Way.

Therefore it is said, "The enlightenment of the Way seems likedullness; progression in the Way seem like regression; the even path of the Wayseems to go up and down."


Great virtue appears like a valley (hollow). Great purity appears likedisgrace. Far-reaching virtue appears as if insufficient.

true Power appears weak,

true purity appears tarnished,

extensive Power appears to beinsufficient,

true steadfastness appearschangeable.

true clarity appears obscure,

the greatest space has nocorners,

the greatest talents are slowlymastered,

the greatest music has no therarest sound,

the great image has no form.


The Tao is hidden and nameless,

Yet it is the Tao that skillfully supportsand completes all things.




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