企管之道 企业家修炼
王文明:道德经英文 第六十二章
2016-01-20 4178

第六十二章  万物之奥

道者万物之奥。善人之宝,不善人之所保。 美言可以市, 尊行可以加人。人之不善,何弃之有?故立天子,置三公,虽有拱璧以先驷马,不如坐进此道。 古之所以贵此道者何?不曰:求以得,有罪以免邪?故为天下贵。



华丽的语言仅能取悦于人,高尚的品行仅能赢得尊敬。 但如何用德治从根本上去除人们身上的私心贪欲而符合本源的仁善呢?所以立位天子,设立三公施行教化,拥有稀世宝玉,驱乘驷马之车而显赫一时,也不如坐忘进入道德本原意识能中去。


The Root of the Universe

Tao is the mysterious secretof the universe, The good man's treasure, And the bad man's refuge.

Honours can be bought withfine words, respect can be won with good deeds; but if a man is straying fromthe right path out of greed, is there a way of avoid him being cast away?

Therefore, when the king iscrowned and the state officials are sworn in, do not send them gifts of jadedishes or a team of four horses. Instead flow in peace and harmony and remindthem of their oneness with humanity.

It is for that reason (Tao isthe creator of all)that t it is better to lead your nation meditating to be inaccordance with Tao Principles. It is much more fundamental than the emperorinstituting great ministers to lead the people; owning precious jades and four-horsedchariot to show their statuses.

Why did the ancients highlyvalue this Tao? Did they not say, "Those who seek shall have it and thosewho sin shall be freed"? That is why it is such a treasure to the world.

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